
Before you fill in the form, please check that the conditions for receiving a Friend Card or a volunteer friend are met.

The prerequisites are discovered intellectual disability or developmental delay.

– Intellectual disability means that the person’s intellectual development is hindered or disturbed due to disease acquired at birth or during development, defect or injury.
– Developmental delay means a delay in intellectual functions.

In addition, the applicant’s place of residence or home municipality must be located in our area of operation.

You can print a Friend Card application form here:

In Finnish / Swedish / English

You can print a friend application form here:

In Finnish / Swedish / English

You can print the service agreement here:

In Finnish / Swedish / English

Notice of change

If your contact information changes, let us know immediately!
You can notify us of changes by calling us, sendin email, writing or using the form below, thank you.

Täyttämällä lomakkeen, hyväksyt tietojesi liittämisen Ystävänkortti Toiminnan rekisteriin.

Genom att fylla i blanketten, accepterar du att dina uppgifter registreras i Vänskapskortsverksamhetens register.

By filling out the form, you agree to add your data to the Ystävänkortti Toiminta register.