Author: admin
ISOJOEN KUNTA / LAUHAN HIIHTOFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to Lauha skiing event. ISOJOEN KUNTA / LAUHAN, Lauhanvuorentie 490, 64900 IsojokiFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to music event Lauhan spelit. ISOJOEN SEURAKUNTA(Isojoki Church)www.isojoenseurakunta.fiFree participation with Friend card for friend/support person to nonfree events and camps organized by Isojoki…
ETELÄ-POHJANMAAN KÄSI- JA TAIDETEOLLISUUS RYVILLAVINTTI, Isonkyrön Taitokeskuswww.taitoep.fiKunnantalo, Pohjankyröntie 136, 61500 IsokyröFree participation with Friend card for friend/support person to classes when person with intellectual disability buys “taitokortti”.With taitokortti you have access to all handcrafts groups. Taitokortti is valid from the time of purchase to the end of the year. ISONKYRÖN HELLUNTAISEURAKUNTA(Pentecostal Church of Isokyrö)www.isonkyronhelluntaiseurakunta.fiKarjalankatu 13, 61500…
ESKOLAN KESÄTEATTERI (Summer stock theater) 8, 69150 EskolaFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to performances. Seats must be booked in advance online or by phone. KANNUKSEN KAUPUNKI / KULTTUURITOIMI(Kannus town, Culture services)www.kannus.fiAsematie 1, 69100 KannusFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to Gallery Justus exhibitions and events organized by Culture services. KANNUKSEN…
KARIJOEN NUORISOSEURA RY (Youth Association)karijoenns.webnode.fiKristiinantie 8, 64350 KarijokiFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to public events organized by Karijoen Nuoriseura. KAUHAJOEN KANSALAISOPISTO (Community College) järjestettävät kurssitFree participation with Friend card for friend/support person to courses organized by Kauhajoen Kansalaisopisto. Notify about Friend card when signing up.
ALPON SAVANNIN YSTÄVÄT RYwww.alponsavanni.fiSarantie 672, 61910 Nummijärvi Free entry with Friend card for friend/support person to the gallery and all events that savanna arranges. Notice that the savanna is closed during winter time. BIO MARLON (Cinema)www.biomarlon.fiTopeeka 37, 61800 KauhajokiFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to cinema. ETELÄ-POHJANMAAN KÄSI- JA TAIDETEOLLISUUS RYKAUHAJOEN TAITOKESKUSwww.taitoep.fiHallintoaukio, Opintolantalo,…
ALAHÄRMÄN HÄRMÄNKYLÄN NUORISOSEURA(Youth association, Summer stock theater)www.onnelankesateatteri.fiOnnelanranta 2, 62300 HärmäFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to Onnela Summer stock theater and events in Onnela organized by Alahärmän Härmänkylän Nuorisoseura. AUTOLIITTO HÄRMÄN OSASTO RY(The Automobile and Touring Club of Finland,Härmäs Department) 431, 62300 HärmäFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to competitions organized…
FIRST RUN ROCK (Festival)Facebook: First Run RockFestival park, Pelimannintie 1, 69600 KaustinenFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to First Run Rock festival. KAUSTINEN FOLK MUSIC FESTIVALwww.kaustinen.netFestival park, Jyväskyläntie 3, 69600 KaustinenFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to Kaustinen Folk Music festival. Daily ticket is valid for one day. It gives an…
HARRSTRÖM UNGDOMS- OCH HEMBYGDSFÖRENING RF(Harrström youth and local history association) www.harrstrom.fiFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to Kvarnbackens museum area, Fiskartorpet museum and events organized by Harrström youth and local history association. KORSNÄS 4Hkorsnas.fs4h.fiFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to courses and activities organized by Korsnäs 4H. MOLPE UNGDOMSFÖRENING ENIGHETEN R.F(Molpe…
BIO DUX (Cinema)www.biodux.fiMerikatu 21, 64100 KristiinankaupunkiFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to cinema. KIILIN KOTISEUTUMUSEO- JA VIRKISTYSALUE(Local history museum area)ägen 90, 64490 SidebyFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to museums and events. KORSBÄCK UNGDOMSFÖRENING R.F(Korsbäck Youth Association)korsbackuf.sou.webbhuset.fiKorsbäckvägen 560, 64320 DagsmarkFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to events organized by…
ALAJÄRVEN ANKKURIT RY (Gym and baseball matches)www.ankkuritpesis.fiKuntosali (Gym) Rauta-Aika, Paavolantie 1, 62900 AlajärviSuperpesisottelut, Hirsikankaantie 3, 62900 AlajärviFree entry for friend/support person to gym and Superpesis-matches with Friend card. ALAJÄRVEN KAUPUNKI/ LEISURE SERVICESwww.alajarvi.fiUrheilutie 2, 62900 AlajärviFree entry with Friend card for friend/support person to swimming hall, gym and multipurpose hall in Alajärvi. Also free entry to…